
I've just purchased a machine and all the compilers, etc to do just this. I have the CVS downloaded and am waiting to purchase eXceed 7.0 xdk. We've been planning to do just this for the 4.1.2 release. We will try and recoup costs, etc by selling the CDs.

From what I gather, you're willing to help out by giving us pointers to what you've done. That will be great. I will converse with you personally as I begin making progress on this.


After reading your note, rather than Lloyd's followup, it looks like we're
missing the point.  The real problem is that OpenDX is simply not working
Whats really going on here is this.  When you use the Import Data... button
on that little startup menu, the prompter starts, gathers some info, then
starts DX in editor mode with a very simple default network.  The DX VPE
(dxui.exe) runs as a separate process from the initial startup UI run, run
via the DXLink interface.  The DX VPE, in turn, starts the DX exec
(dxexec.exe), which is the workhorse that does the bulk of the data
processing, then tries to link to it via a socket.  Thats whats not working
- the VPE is waiting for the exec to start and do a little handshake, and
its not.

Of course, the interesting question really is why not, and thats not easy
to figure out.  It depends on OpenDX being installed correctly.  That
includes the values of various environment variables, maybe the registry,
and the directory structure of the OpenDX files.  Unfortunately, this is
being set up for you by the binary you downloaded, which may in fact not be
correct.  Typically these binaries are created by helpful participants and
made available, but without adequate testing or sufficient generality to
cover all the cases that can be found on end-user's machines.  Windows is
certainly the most difficult platform to get this right on, and people have
had lots of problems.

Good news is that I have a binary version here that I've put on a bunch of
machines around our lab in various states of Windows versions and software
installs.  It installs with InstallShield just like a "real" Windows app.
It has netcdf, cdf, hdf, ImageMagick and JavaDX support.

Bad news is that, for sound legal reasons, I can't distribute it outside of
IBM.   Of course, I can share all the little bits of magic I had to figure
out along the way, so I was wondering - anyone out there want to team up to
create a new possibly definitive Windows binary?


David L. Thompson                          The University of Montana
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Computer Science Department           Missoula, MT  59812
                                           Work Phone : (406)257-8530

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