Since you have two fields both with the same "positions" and both of scalar data, just run them both into Compute, add the two fields together (a+b) and the result out the other end will have the "invalid positions" of both fields intersected. You can then extract this new "invalid positions" and Replace it on your other field.


At 5:49 PM -0500 1/16/01, Sharon Cady wrote:
Say I have 2 fields, "temperature" and "humidity" (same positions component).
Each field initially has its own set of invalid positions, since it
independently contains out of range values which have been tagged as such by
Include.  By saying that I only want to plot points that are valid in x and y,
I mean that I want to ignore (not plot) instances in which either temp or
humidity has been tagged invalid.

To make the plot, I create a field with humidity as positions and temp as data
(several ways this can be done, either start from the begining or Replace data
or positions components in one or the other of the original fields), and then
send to Plot. If careful at this step, I can preserve the invalid positions of
either temp or humidity, but not both. So this is why I think that I have to
tinker with the invalid positions array of the new field.

I suppose that I could do the Inlude's all over again on the new field (to now
account for invalids in positions (humidity) and invalids in data (temp) ), but
since I have the info already (two invalid positions arrays), why not use it.

Yes, I would appreciate an easier way altogether if I am making this too
David L. Thompson                          The University of Montana
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Computer Science Department           Missoula, MT  59812
                                           Work Phone : (406)257-8530

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