I'd like to try this suggestion, but can't quite figure out how to set up the
JavaDX environment. As directed within the URL mentioned below, I go under
Edit...Java...Add Tools..    but I get an error message "the definition of
Macro WebOptions is missing".

Do I have to get my SA to install something ? Do I need a Java toolkit to do
this procedure  ? I am running Open version 4.1.1 Beta.

--- Forwarded mail from opendx2-users@lists.berlios.de

Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 15:28:03 -0400
From: Peter Kirchner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: opendx2-users@lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [opendx-users] How to turn off screen output of `image'
Reply-To: opendx2-users@lists.berlios.de

Route-Render-Writeimage is likely preferred, but it *is* possible to turn off

display part of Image, run the net in script mode and write a file instead,
by telling Image it is
running in the JavaDX environment.  See



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