Greg, your attachment does not appear to have gone through. I've heard some
discussion about whether or not attachments actually can be distributed to the
group, but never caught any conclusion. Should it have been posted with your
message? Maybe it's just my e-mail that doesn't do its job.

Histogram does give me something resembling what I'm after. But I'm not using
the Rubbersheet because it only acts to blur the points in the plot (and I
don't see any representation of "z" or height of histogram - is this what I
should be seeing ?). Maybe you are after a slightly different look ("2-D bar
chart"). Without Rubbersheet, I'm relying only on color to indicate the #
points in a bin, which is all I need. The post "positions" thing (with
rubbersheet) is a neat effect, though.

Now there are some details to attend to. I need to overlay a 45 degree black
line (x=y) on the cluster plot. Since I have an image (colored field) now and
not a plot, is this possible without attempting to simulate (an ugly) one by
tinkering with the values in the histogram bins ?

Thanks for the help.

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