Use the following equation in Compute:


Then pipe the result into the `srcfield' port of Replace, with your original
data piped into the `dstfield' port.  Set 'srcname' to "data" and 'dstname' to
"invalid positions".

On Jun 25, 10:12am, Fred Ramsing wrote:
> Subject: [opendx-users] mark invalid data
> Hi all,
> Is there any way besides the Include module to mark data as invalid?  I
> have a list of invalid values that fall close to or within the data range,
> but I don't want to convert the values.
> For example, in the MODFLOW data set I'm reading:
>       -999.0 represents inactive (invalid) cells,
>        999.0 represents dry cells,
> and   9999.0 represents dry stream cells in inactive cells.
> Obviously, I should use values that don't fall within my range of data,
> but I have no control over that.  Right now I convert each of these values
> to -9999.0, -9998.0, and -9997.0 respectively using a series of Compute
> modules, and then use Include with a minimum of -9996.0 to mark these as
> invalid.
> Is there a simpler, more efficient way to do this?  Possibly with a
> ScalarList or a Compute equation?  Something like
>       new_field = Compute( "$0 In $1 ? Invalid : $0", field, list);
> TIA,
> Fred Ramsing
>-- End of excerpt from Fred Ramsing

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