It's an unfortunate and annoying limitation of Format. I've needed to do 5-vectors recently and was initially baffled by the cryptic error message until I reread the help and saw it only does up to 3-vector.

Only solution was to decompose the vector and build the string by hand. Probably worth duplicating a macro like the one I have that accepts a 4-vector and via 4 Computes and 4 Outputs returns the 4 components. Then you can pipe them all to Format with template "[%f, %f, %f, %f]" (suit your %f to taste, say %6.4f).

At 02:04 PM 07/01/04 +0100, you wrote:
I have a field in which the positions component is a 4-vector, ie each data component has associated with it four numbers in the positions component. I want to selected a single
component from the positions component and format it for output.

So far I have extracted the positions component from the field and used select to choose the item I want to output to screen, but the format module does not like the 4-vector. Any ideas?


John Vaul

Chris Pelkie
Scientific Visualization Producer
618 Rhodes Hall, Cornell Theory Center

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