Thanks a lot!!

It works with cul=0.

I would never thought to try that.

Thank you.

Emmanuelle Lafont
Clermont-Ferrand, France

> Please file a bug on this. You may wish to try setting cull to 0 or 1
> and try again. See if one or the other produces the correct result.
> David
>>I've got a problem with the ShowBoundary module.
>>I'm visualizing a 3D field with the ShowBoundary module without any
>>problem. Now, I want to reduce the domain, so I use Mark(Position),
>>Include(new boundaries), and UnMark just after the importation.
>>With MapToPlane or Isosurface I don't have problems and the domain is
>>correctly reduced.But if I use ShowBoundary, the program ends,
>>disconnect from the server,
>>and I've got the following error message :
>>0 : Internal error detected at "showboundary.c":931.
>>/usr/local/bin/dx: line 1: 3070 Abandon
>>"/usr/local/dx/bin_linux/dxexec" -r -p1 -B
>>I really don't see what to do!
>>Thanks for any help
>>Emmanuelle Lafont
>>Clermont-Ferrand, France
> --
> .............................................................................>
>  David L. Thompson                   Visualization and Imagery
> Solutions, Inc. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    5515 Skyway Drive,
> Missoula, MT 59804
>                                     Phone : (406)756-7472

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