What is the object you are applying ShowBoundary to? If it is already a polygon, ShowBoundary will give back only the outer 'lines' around the edge, thus there is no surface, thus you'd see through the empty space. If it is a volume, you get a polygonal surface which should be opaque by default (adding Color/opacity would be useful if you wanted to make it partially transparent, but it sounds like you don't). Point is, you don't need to tell DX to perform an operation to generate polygons if the input is already polygonal; it just renders them for you.
Chris Pelkie
Vice President (607) 257-8335
Conceptual Reality Presentations, Inc.
30 West Meadow Drive
Ithaca, NY 14850</x-tad-bigger>

On May 24, 2005, at 16:49, Dragos MOROIANU wrote:

Hi everybody,
I need a litle help with my problem. I have a domain containing a blade. I
show this blade using the "ShowBoundary" control. On this surface I apply the
"Isocontour" control to get some isolines. Of course I get them but the
problem is that I see the isolines on both sides, as if the blade is

| |-----------

How can I make the boundaries to be opaque for the isolines that are on them?
I tried to add a "Collor" control between "ShowBoundary" and "Collect" but
with no improvement, although I set the opacity to 1.0

Thank you!


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