Problem solved...mostly. I stumbled across a config file in my home
directory. The file is named .dx-ad, and is not documented anywhere
that I've been able to find. The VPE uses it to save things like
which module categories are expanded. The settings in this file
take effect whether DX is started from the command line or from the
launcher. By looking at dx source code,
and playing around a bit, I was able to come up with the following.
(This may not be the most robust way to go about this, but it
got me over the hurdle.)

1. To achieve the same effect as setting DXMACROS, you can define the
variable DX*macros.

2. To achieve the same effect as setting DXMDF, you can define the
variable DX*userModuleDescriptionFile.

3. I did not see any way to achieve the same effect as setting
DXMODULES. (DX*modules doesn't do anything.)
As a workaround, the MDF file can give the complete
path to the loadable file.

4. Looking at the dx source code, it seems that setting the variable
DX*directory should set the working directory, but it doesn't. Whenever
I launch dx from the icon, the working directory is always root.


Joel Richardson wrote:

Hey DXers,

I am running the Vis Inc. distribution of OpenDX 4.3.2 on a Powerbook
G4 running OSX 10.3.9.

I've got a bunch of macros and runtime loadable modules that I'd
like to have available every time I start dx. Similarly, I'd like
the working directory to be set to a particular location.
The standard mechanism (setting env variables) works fine if I
invoke dx from the command line. But if I launch it via the application icon or open a .net file, my settings have no effect. The variables
are set in my .bashrc file.

I'm able to make the macros visible by placing them under
    ${HOME}/Library/Application Support/OpenDX/macros
as described in the distribution notes. But I cannot make
my loadables visible, and the working directory is always "/".

Thanks in advance,


Joel Richardson, Ph.D.   Phone: (207) 288-6435
The Jackson Laboratory   Fax:   (207) 288-6132
600 Main Street          URL:
Bar Harbor, Maine 04609

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