This mess below makes no sense. Is there a question in there?

On Sep 13, 2005, at 8:45 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Something strange have been happening with my DX application.
The image displayed by the 'Image Module' cannot be modified by the
direct-interaction in the window ( resizing, pan/zoom, rotation,

My annimation files are invoked( or loaded) in the Format Module
through a

concatenation of a string( from a String Module) and a integer (from

Sequencer Module), using the line:


The path of directories was wrote in the String Module.

When I use this way (concatenation) to create the annimation, the
direct-interation in window doesn't work.

If I write directly the path of files in the 'template' of the
Format Module
using the line


the direct-inteation works!!

Somebody Knows why it is happening?? Please!!!!

The following warming
messages are been reported me:

*Bad comment found in line /directory/ (line1)
*Bad comment found in line /directory/file.cfg (line1)
*Unrecognized 'panel' comment /directory/file.cfg (line1)
*Unrecognized comment at line 1 /directory/file.cfg

It seems that something has been writed in line 1 of files dx end cfg
when I run my application. I think that for this reason, the image
by the 'Image Module' cannot be modified by the direct-interaction in
the window (resizing, pan/zoom, rotation, navigation).
How can I solve this problem my friends?

Thanks ,

Marcelo Mariano IEN-Brazil

Chris Pelkie
Vice President (607) 257-8335
Conceptual Reality Presentations, Inc.
30 West Meadow Drive
Ithaca, NY 14850

Chris Pelkie
Scientific Visualization Producer
622 Rhodes Hall, Cornell Theory Center
Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 254-8794</x-tad-bigger>

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