Diagnosis is a fuzzy term.

It is used and mis-used and creates a lot of confusions.
A 'diagnosis' many time does not describe a disease process inside the patient 
system, but is a way to collect or spend money or to explain a next round of 
diagnostics or treatments.

All terms like these need to be formally defined:

Gerard Freriks
+31 620347088
gfrer at luna.nl

On 18 Aug 2012, at 14:29, Jussara wrote:

> Yet we use this term a lot, as a hypothese or as a differential diagnosis, or 
> even as a past diagnose, not forget to billing purposes and DRG calculus. 
> Don't know how you could avoid it here in Brazil, where ICD 10 is used to 
> code everything, actually it is the only classification used  in large scale  
> in Brazil, where even CIAP isn't used by the primary care doctors. All 
> analytics of health status and conditions as well decisions support tools in 
> Brazil use ICD as the clinical vocabulary, and you know what happens if you 
> retrieve those codes without having the context. I used to work with record 
> linkage and know how inaccurate can it be to do a query using ICD and was for 
> that reason that we began to seek for   modeling   information, because it's 
> essential to give context wherever the ICD is used. The ontologic based 
> openEHR RM was found by experts here the model that is closer to our need. I 
> think not only us,  as international experts gathered at CIMI just came to 
> the same opinion.
> Talking on the difference of evaluation and observation, I thought we're 
> talking on modeling not on the value of using any concept or entry. If most 
> clinicians don't trust diagnosis or inferences, they do it everyday, because 
> it's our jobs to make inferences!  There are them which lead  to the 
> instructions we give.
> Regards
> Jussara Rotzsch

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