Hi everyone,

During a recent review of the Body weight archetype in the Norwegian CKM 
(http://arketyper.no/ckm/#showArchetype_1078.36.25), the following comment was 
submitted for the <Use> element :
"The text needs better specification of how the reference model is to be used 
to record estimates. There are attributes for "accuracy" and "precision" but it 
is not obvious how these could be used to explicitly record an estimate."

This points back to (the Norwegian translation of) this paragraph:
"Can also be used for recording an approximation of body weight measurement in 
a clinical scenario where it is not possible to measure accurately body weight 
- for example, weighing an uncooperative child, or estimating the weight of an 
unborn fetus (where the 'subject of data' is the Fetus and recording occurs 
within the mother's health record). This is not modelled explicitly in the 
archetype as the openEHR Reference model allows the attribute of Approximation 
for any Quantity data type. At implementation, for example, an application user 
interface could allow clinicians to select an appropriately labelled check box 
adjacent to the Weight data field to indicate that the recorded weight is an 
approximation, rather than actual."

As far as I can see, the part of this relating to the reference model was added 
in revision 6.2 (http://www.openehr.org/ckm/#showArchetype_1013.1.399_2) in 
2009. Almost the exact same wording is used in the Height/Length archetype.

Could anyone explain exactly how reference model attributes can be used to 
achieve this flagging of a quantity as an estimate?

Kind regards,
Silje Ljosland Bakke
Coordinator, National Editorial Board for Archetypes, National ICT Norway
Special Adviser, R&D dept, E-health section, Bergen Hospital Trust
Tel. +47 40203298

Web: http://arketyper.no / Twitter: 

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