By the way, this kind of things you describe is one of our group main
research areas right now. We have implemented a service to evaluate
the Snomed Expression Constraint Syntax (engine available at and we are already using it for data
validation (e.g. is the provided code in the subset) and
transformation/query (e.g. if diagnosis is one of X then put this
value). I hope we can release an online demo or paper soon enough.

2016-09-03 18:34 GMT+02:00 Bert Verhees <>:
> On 03-09-16 18:17, Thomas Beale wrote:
> Bert,
> doing most of what you want should come in AQL, e.g. the following in a
> WHERE clause is already possible.
>     e/ehr_status/subject/external_ref/id/value,
> diagnosis/data/items[at0002.1]/value
>     EHR e
>         CONTAINS Composition c[openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.problem_list.v1]
>             CONTAINS Evaluation
> diagnosis[openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.problem-diagnosis.v1]
>     c/name/value='Current Problems'
>     AND diagnosis/data/items[at0002.1]/value/defining_code matches {
>|cancer Dx refset|}
> That is a very OpenEHRish way to do it, is comparing the code.
> But what if you also want to find the subtypes, lungcancer (30 sub-types),
> etc, if you want to know about SNOMED attributes.
> For that purpose is the Expression Constraint language, and you need to
> query the terminology to know what you need to compare your data with.
> The best way to do it is not invent another way to do it, but embed that
> language.
> When that is done well, you have the full power in one move.
> One interesting question is whether 'inline' refset definitions would be
> allowed, e.g. using the SNOMED constraint grammar. We probably should add
> this to AQL as a plug-in syntax, since IHTSDO standardised it. What the
> solution is for ICDx I don't know.
> I don know either.
> There is more then just a plugin which does some separate work. Because the
> ECL also works on subtypes and attributes, and the attributes are not
> available. AQL must deliver them to the SNOMED engine, because they are on
> another path. There is code infrastructure needed.
> For example: Find systolics higher then 165, in the archetype the type of
> the measurement can be in another element then the value of the measurement.
> This mapping between SNOEMD attributes and where they are in the archetypes
> must be done in some elegant way.
> The main thing to understand is that if a SNOMED or ICD code for say
> leukaemia is found in EHR data, the code alone doesn't tell you the
> epistemic status, i.e. the kind of statement being made - i.e. current
> diagnosis, no risk of, risk of, fear of ... etc. Querying properly means
> understanding where in the data you are looking, and the archetypes help
> with that.
> That will be one of the added values of archetypes.
> Bert
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