On 13/07/2017 19:02, GF wrote:

Panels have a specific name

Stan tells me that LOINC can code most/all standard panels.

And can have an associated result describing the panel as a whole.
Plus context data pertaining to the panel and all its items.
E.g. /Haematology panel: normal./
Both the /Panelresult/ and the results of the individual items can to be queried.

there is a linguistic thing going on here where we use the word 'panel' to mean two things:

 * something like 'battery result', e.g. the set of analyte test
   results for a complete blood test (maybe 10 things), plus the
   overall test meta-data, interpretation and so on
 * just a group of items, e.g. the 10 CBC items.

I'd like to see a better agreement on the real meaning of this word. Or maybe it is just me who needs a better understanding.

- The individual /Itemresults/ are the result of a process and therefor Observations (ENTRIES)

It has not been modelled like this, but scientifically it's a reasonable view. It's a bit heavy in terms of information structures though. I'm inclined to still allow grouping of analytes in a single Observation for practical reasons - e.g. at least for groups of analytes that are obtained by the same method, etc. But the more I learn about path lab results, maybe it is worth revisiting this question.

- The /Panelresult/ is the result of an EVALUATION

I'm not sure I agree on this, unless you are talking about the a data point like 'pathological interpretation' but I think this has to be understood not as a Dx on the patient but a standard Dx that should be inferred from the path value e.g. high Potassium => possible kidney compromise. I have no expertise in this, so could be wrong, but from a common sense point of view, I don't see how a lab can provide a Dx on the actual patient without examining the patient history / EHR.

I don't think 'normal' should be understood as an evaluation on the patient - it's just the lab saying: all the analytes are within normal ranges for the patient type (adult male or whatever).

Interested to know if others disagree violently...!

- thomas

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