On 29-06-18 15:01, Thomas Beale wrote:
Others may have better ideas, interested to hear from anyone who works with this kind of data.

I sport a lot, every day, but only very amateur, never did a serious match, but I climbed several mountains on a bike, also the tough ones like the Tourmalet (which means: bad choice of a tour). So I did use some tooling, software, bike computers, heartrate devices.

Not as a serious proposition, but just to show how it differs from a health-problem archetype-set, just as an illustration to show that we need people to help us, and lots of study from devices on the market, and I am sure they are not all ISO certified, but still used a lot, also by professionals.

So in CKM, we have:

For example, in healthcare, you take a heartrate once, and maybe you want to notate the device you used, I looked to the archetype : openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.pulse.v1. It is really focused on heart-related illness.

That is not what we are looking for. So let me explain, I write it quickly, just as illustration

In sports, you take heartrate all the time, and it is every measurement the same device. And maybe professionals look further (maybe a mini-ECG?), but mostly, it is only the beat that counts, and that over hours of time.

Cyclist want to relate that heartbeat to

1 the weather (wind (strong week) (in back in front) temperature)

2 the slope in mountains

3 the speed of the cyclist (can be calculated from coordinates)

So to do this we need an OBSERVATION archetype which offers room for many puls measurments (thousands), and the exact time of measurement in seconds, so it can be combined with coordinates, That is the second thing the archetype needs to store. The heartbeat will be measured directly, but the other values will be available at the end of the tour, in GPX format. Maybe there are devices which communicate GPX data also directly. Here is an example of a GPX schema: https://www8.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensions/v3/GpxExtensionsv3.xsd
Here is some pointer of info of GPX which contains heartrate data:

Because heartrate and gpx-data do not always come at the same moment, it could also be stored using different archetypes. So, there would be a composition for cyclist-sports, for example.

There is also the difference for amateurs and for professionals. Teamleaders watch heartrates of their cyclists all the time. They select helpers for Froome or Dumoulin while looking at the heartrates, and from experience. And they are angry on cyclist which heartrate does not show signs of suffering.

Best regards

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