I've put up a wiki page with a draft of what a real world guideline <https://openehr.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/spec/pages/344621059/openEHR+Expression+Language+EL> (for choosing breast cancer therapy, based on various input variables) might look like in the emerging openEHR Expression language <https://www.openehr.org/releases/BASE/latest/expression.html>.

The example on the page shows the guideline in two forms: the first is a more natural-language style syntax, and the second is something close to TypeScript, a web programming language.

We can make the Expression Language work in either style, very easily. The questions are:

 * what kind of professional will create these kinds of guidelines, and
   also rules inside archetypes
 * what style of syntax is better to use?

It is early days for guideline and rule authoring, but it will certainly come. So it would be helpful to get some ideas from the community on this. You could reply here, or comment on the wiki page linked above.


- thomas beale

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