On 18/09/2018 04:21, Heather Leslie wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've just been talking with Silje about our plans for Medinfo from the clinical modelling program.

We'd like to share our current thinking and ideas for some broader openEHR engagement.

 1. 3 Panels:
     1. *Clinical modelling panel* – focus on community engagement,
        modelling activity and patterns
     2. *Technical/developers panel* – focus on the technical and
        software aspects of openEHR, AQL, GDL perhaps
     3. *Implementers panel* – focus on the platform and experience
        from real-life implementations

        There’s almost a tradition now that we’ve held a Clinical
        modelling and Technical workshop at each Medinfo, but
        Medinfo’s working definition of a workshop is that the
        presenters and the audience are meant to be equals and there
        is a lot of audience participation. While we aspire to this,
        in reality we really have experts presenting on their latest
        ideas/work and the audience has variable opportunities to ask
        questions, which more fits with Medinfo’s definition of a
        panel. So we are suggesting that we could run a suite of
        complementary panels covering these 3 areas of openEHR activity.

good idea.

     1. @Shinji – I know you have already suggested the developer’s
        workshop – what do you think of this as an alternative?

 2. Panel exploring how openEHR, FHIR & SNOMED work together – a cross
    SDO panel!

I think HL7 has little interest in working with any other SDOs/orgs, and mainly appears to be interested in keeping the FHIR hype going.

- t

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