Dear friends,

I'm about to launch the Cloud EHRServer, a clinical data repository /
health information system backend as a service. I'm very excited about
this, since I invested a lot on the EHRServer development and now it seems
natural to take this next step to make further development sustainable in

This SaaS is based on the EHRServer, the first open source openEHR clinical
data repository, I've been developing for the last years. The development
and maintenance of the EHRServer will continue in parallel to the Cloud

There are two big use cases for this kind of service. One is to serve as a
backend of clinical information systems that need to access the same data
e.g. web and mobile apps. The other use case is to centralize shared
clinical information, generated by different systems, accessible in a
standardized way.

For the first phase of the Cloud EHRServer we will only accept sign-ups for
the Beta Partners Program, a reduced group of people / companies that want
to use the service, participate on its improvement, and grow with us.

The cost of participation in the Beta Partners Program will be 25USD/mo
with options for 6 or 12 months. This is be like a medium sized plan but
without any restrictions, do you don't have to worry about quotas during
prototyping and testing. This will help us to maintain the infrastructure
and scale on the first year, while developing some features of the current
roadmap to v1.0

The Beta Partners will receive training, premium support, early access to
guides and new releases of the EHRServer, access to online events, will be
able to propose new features and vote to prioritize them, to help the
service move towards the needs of the community.

The current status of the EHRServer is that we are about to launch v0.9
that will be production-ready, and we already have a production server in
place with HTTPS working. The EHRServer was in the cloud for more than 12
months on a staging server, and we have about 300 registered users, between
testers and students of my courses (
We will have 2 staging servers alongside the production one.

Next week I will launch the official Website with more information, the
sign-up form for the Beta Partners Program and some initial guides. On the
first days of January the production server will be enabled for use. For
now if you want to know more please fill the contact form:

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks a lot for your

Kind regards,

Ing. Pablo Pazos GutiƩrrez
Cel:(00598) 99 043 145 <099%20043%20145>
Skype: cabolabs
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