This pom.xml shows the credential to connect postgresql is user:
postgres and password: psotgres as default.

2018年8月28日(火) 20:05 Georg Fette <>:
> Hi Shinji,
> Oh, thank you for that hint. The docker image looks very promising. I
> started the image and tried to play a bit with the API but I have some
> questions:
> - Most REST-commands require a session to be started first. When trying
> to start a session I have to provide a username and password. Is there
> already a default user that can be used ? How can additional users be
> added ?
> - Which user/password credentials can be used to access and administrate
> the Postgres-Database in the container ? Is there an admin that can be
> used ?
> - Would it be possible to use an existing Postgres-Server instead of the
> one included in the image ? What files would have to be modified to use
> an existing server ?
> Greetings
> Georg
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Inf. Georg Fette      Raum: B001
> Universität Würzburg        Tel.: +49-(0)931-31-85516
> Am Hubland                  Fax.: +49-(0)931-31-86732
> 97074 Würzburg              mail:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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