Hi everyone,

What a year it has been, and great to be able to reflect back on achievements 
and the gathering momentum.

Silje Ljosland Bakke and myself, as clinical program leads would like to thank 
everyone for their contributions and efforts over the year.

Some stats to provide some insight into the 'state of the CKM' and activity 
over the year:

  *   Archetypes
     *   443 archetypes available, distributed over 35 projects; and a further 
102 ungoverned ones evolving in incubators
     *   In projects: 322 are draft; 26 currently undergoing review; 79 are 
published for content
     *   In the past 12 months, 16  archetypes were published; 203 archetypes 
were modified; 66 were created and added to CKM as new models
     *   Archetypes for ECG report and alcohol consumption are just on the 
brink of publication - we can expect them to be published very early in the new 
  *   Templates
     *   85 templates have been submitted, mostly as examples of modelling for 
specific scenarios; 77% are in ungoverned incubators
     *   None have been reviewed to final publication status
  *   Translations
     *   Over the years there have been many archetypes that have been 
translated - we currently have representations in 24 languages, the top five 
(obviously excluding English as the default language of CKM) being:

  *   Portuguese (Brazil) - 119 archetypes translated;
  *   Norwegian Bokmal with 110;
  *   Arabic (Syria) with 78
  *   Spanish (Argentina) 51
  *   Spanish (Spain) 42
Again, a huge amount of work by a very small number of volunteers and largely 
invisible and beneath the surface.

  *   CKM users
     *   As of today, 2106 registered users from 93 countries
     *   Top five countries, by number of registered users: Brasil; UK; USA; 
Australia; Sweden
     *   278 new registrants signed up this year, purely by word of mouth. 
Imagine if we did some marketing!
  *   Reviews:
     *   749 registrants have volunteered to participate in reviews
     *   This years:
        *   80 unique reviewers participated this year, 75 completing at least 
1 content review and 5 reviewers participate only in translation reviews
        *   23 archetypes completed at least one review round this
        *   414 archetype reviews were submitted - 375 content reviews in 39 
review rounds; 34 Swedish translation reviews in 7 review rounds
  *   We have 35 projects; 18 public incubators; 15 private incubators
  *   44 archetypes are available on a 'view only' basis as they are 'owned' by 
other collaborating CKMs - 29 referenced from the UK Apperta CKM; and 5 from 
the Norway CKM

>From an operations point of view it has been really pleasing to see activity 
>increasing and new users actively engaging in reviews.

Silje and I particularly wish to thank all those who participated as Editors - 
the ongoing effort week by week, herding cats behind the scenes and teasing out 
the patterns that make each archetype implementable is easy to underestimate 
and should not be! And to Sebastian for crafting the CKM itself that powers 
this great collaborative effort.

We thank you all for your participation and encourage those who are not yet 
active to indicate your willingness by adopting archetypes that you'd like to 
participate in for review purposes. We value any and all input. There is no 
'stupid' answers as everyone views the content from their own professional 
perspective and unique domain knowledge.

By volunteering your comments we have collectively created an extraordinary 
international resource, with no equal - there is no body of work in the public 
domain that is so broad and deep, and so transparent and freely available. And 
all crowd sourced from volunteer participants. Please pat yourselves on the 
back for an extraordinary effort as a community!!

The year has not been without it's dramas and disagreements, but I am 
continuously amazed at the respect and collegiality by which people collaborate 
in meetings, on openEHR clinical Slack channels and of course, in the archetype 
reviews. Unfortunately the Slack channels are only available by invite only, so 
if you would like to be included please email me directly - 
 - and I'll add you in:

Some big topics have been 'nailed' this year - in particular the Medications 
family of archetype, which has constituted a massive amount of work by editors 
and reviewers. Others that have finally been published include the tricksy 
archetypes for: Contraindication; Pulse oximetry; Problem/Diagnosis qualifier. 
Others like Hip circumference and Waist circumference were easier, low hanging 

Also, undergoing what we hope might be their final review round, is the 
Laboratory test OBSERVATION and related CLUSTERs for haematology, biochem, 
serology etc - as you can imagine, achieving consensus has required a huge 
amount of work and checking with implementers around the world. Seriously 
ground breaking work, here. Micro and histopathology will need a little more 
work once these first core lab archetypes are published, and the Imaging family 
of archetypes will be reimagined by aligning them with the lab patterns and 
adjusting for their specific purpose.

There are a few that are providing headaches for Editors - particularly 
designing the patterns for fractal Physical examination findings; Social 
history, including housing, accommodation, living arrangements, occupation etc; 
and Communication capability, including language and translation requirements 
have been surprisingly elusive, but we are well advanced in all of these areas 
and we expect these patterns to be worked on in the new year again.

As well as the celebrations, we are also grieving for one of our colleagues, 
Hildegard McNicoll. Hildi passed away only weeks ago and we already miss her 
significant and enthusiastic contributions, and especially her friendship and 
wisdom. As Editors we are still working on facilitating on review rounds in 
which Hildi has made comments which we are still incorporating into archetypes 
as they evolve. Her presence is still actively being felt! Vale Hildi, and 
thank you! Our sincerest condolences to Ian and family.

Finally, as the year draws to a close, we wish you all a great celebration with 
family and friends, and especially a restful holiday break - we need you to be 
in good shape for all the work we anticipate for 2019.

Best regards


Dr Heather Leslie
M +61 418 966 670
Skype: heatherleslie
Twitter: @atomicainfo, @clinicalmodels & @omowizard

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