
S.o.C can mean many things:

One person
One mother or foetus
Any body part in or outside the body

And any grouping of items mentioned above.

A S.o.C indicates the participation in activities.


On 2002-12-01 23:38, "Sam Heard" <sam.heard at bigpond.com> wrote:

> Dear all
> I have been reviewing the subject of care - over family history. It is clear
> that the following information is potentially useful:
> 1. The name of the person so you can refer to them as so-and-so
> 2. The relationship (father, mother) this might or might not include their
> genetic relationship (adoptive) - at present I have this in the genetic
> relationship boolean value of the family history problem. I think this is
> the most appropriate as it is the only time when it is essential to know
> it??
> 3. The ID of the person in the demographic server - allowing contact details
> etc.
> Can others think of other issues with identifying the subject of an entry in
> the EHR - (not the ehr itself!) Times when this is likely are around the
> birth of a child and for family history problems.
> Cheers, Sam
> ____________________________________________
> Dr Sam Heard
> Ocean Informatics, openEHR
> Co-Chair, EHR-SIG, HL7
> Chair EHR IT-14-2, Standards Australia
> Hon. Senior Research Fellow, UCL, London
> 105 Rapid Creek Rd
> Rapid Creek NT 0810
> Ph: +61 417 838 808
> sam.heard at bigpond.com
> www.openEHR.org
> www.HL7.org
> __________________________________________
> ____________________________________________
> Dr Sam Heard
> Ocean Informatics, openEHR
> Co-Chair, EHR-SIG, HL7
> Chair EHR IT-14-2, Standards Australia
> Hon. Senior Research Fellow, UCL, London
> 105 Rapid Creek Rd
> Rapid Creek NT 0810
> Ph: +61 417 838 808
> sam.heard at bigpond.com
> www.openEHR.org
> www.HL7.org
> __________________________________________
> -
> If you have any questions about using this list,
> please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

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