We, at CEN are devoted to CEN/IEEE/ISO developments and not 'old rusty' 


Gerard Freriks, MD
Convenor CEN/TC251 WG1

Zernikedreef 9
2333CK Leiden
The Netherlands

+31 71 5181388
+31 654 792800
On 29 Nov 2004, at 20:56, Damon Berry wrote:

> Sam,
> Thanks for the helpful comments
> Sam Heard wrote:
>> I believe that DSS
>> groups will be a major player in determining the final archetypes 
>> that are
>> agreed at a high level.
> It seems to me that in the same way, archetypes will have great impact 
> on
> the development of future EHR-compatible instrument interface 
> standards. If
> instruments and instrument interfaces are required to provide 
> information
> that is complete enough to be integrated into the EHR, then additional
> context information will need to be appended as the measurement values 
> are
> recorded.
> Lets assume that a typical existing instrument interface was not 
> designed to
> produce shareable EHR extracts - a safe bet in my view. Result: missing
> context info. So to ensure compatibility either,
>  - the instrument interface is revised by the instrument vendor to 
> satisfy
> the associated archetypes
>         OR
>  -  an adapter on the EHR side of the interface adds the required 
> context
> information prior to submitting it to the EHR-S proper. (not very nice)
>         OR
>  - some compromise is reached on the completeness of the archetype.
> (dangerous)
> OK - maybe I am exaggerating - but it would be interesting to pick a
> "legacy" instrument standard (say crusty old ASTM 1394-91) and see how 
> it
> holds up.
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