
What is the definition, scope, function of the concept:
" demographic server"
in the context of OPENEHR?

Thomas, Sam, Dipak: HELP!


--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

+31 252 544896
+31 654 792800
On 06 Mar 2005, at 19:50, lakewood at copper.net wrote:

> Hi Gerard,
> My understanding is that demographic services collect, organize and 
> process the
> characteristics of a 'population'. Presuming this, then I am a member 
> of a large number
> of  'populations' regardless of intent. Narrowed to Healthcare the 
> number of
> 'populations' shrinks but not to one.
> Given the fact that modern 'populations' are not 'stationary' it 
> appears that there are
> many of us that can claim or hold membership in multiple Healthcare 
> 'populations'
> which themselves are subject to new additions, e.g., those genetically 
> sensitive to
> drugs of a particlular family.
> Identifying the indiviudal may have to be a separate operation. 
> Identifying whether the individual
> is a member of a 'population', or 'populations's a subsequent task.
> A 'demographic server' is likely to be specific and limited in scope 
> to address
> 'super populations', e.g., persons residing within the boundaries of a 
> specific geographical
> region, e.g., Africa. A 'network' of such server could provide 
> additional coverage.
> Since one can apply a variety of rules to the specification of an 
> individual 'population',
> the 'rules' become significant especially where the 'rules' are chosen 
> to affect results,
> all Diabetes Patients in the London area. Due to a number of reasons 
> one may not be able
> to claim that London-area Diabetes Patients are the same as those in 
> other regions, and, of course, that the Healthcare systems are the 
> same or equivalent.
> Foundational is 'personal identification'. Without it a 'demographic 
> server' is handicapped.
> Hence a good test for the server is a seriously injured person 
> arriving at a Healthcare
> facility unable to communicate with no other form of identification.
> Since there are many other 'issues' and 'factors' important to the 
> design, development and
> deployment of a 'demographic server'  one may have to accept 
> discussions that attempt
> to integrate topics. They are valuable R&D efforts are 
> results-oriented expectations are
> very likely to increase quickly.
> Regards!
> -Thomas Clark
> BTW: I tried to avoid bringing 'Public Health' into a discussion about 
> 'demographic servers'.
> That would have been lengthy!
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