Dear Tom and Bert,

The QA was done primarily by Edgar in his project.

When improvements are needed I see two processes.
-1- in CEN a new version.
-2- in ISO in the work on CIC's.

In the mean time we can maintain a file with the lists of proposed and 
the agreed changes.

Who will maintain these lists?

Gerard Freriks, MD
Convenor CEN/TC251 WG1

TNO Quality of Life
Wassenaarseweg 56

PostBox 2215
22301CE Leiden
The Netherlands

+31 71 5181388
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On 23 May 2005, at 18:21, Tom Marley wrote:

> Bert,
> ?
> Although very busy I am looking into this area.?
> ?
> The underlying problem may be that there was so little QA at the time 
> and I feel very strongly that as structures are used there needs to be 
> a proces which allows corrections/improvements and a dissemination of 
> these.
> ?
> Whatever we decide in this area will be 'informally' distributed 
> throughout the TC251 community.
> ?
> I will be in touch and we can discuss options.
> ?
> ?
> Regards
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