Op dinsdag 20 september 2005 15:38, schreef Thomas Beale:
> Bert Verhees wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> Rong will be able to give you the best feedback ( I believe he is in
> Shanghai at the moment, so it mat be a while before he responds). But
> the CHIME group is working with this code in London, so we should also
> be able to provide some answers soon as well.
> >I am not a typical java-developer,although, "if you can scratch in COBOL,
> > you can scratch in every language" as my teacher told me long before the
> > world ever heard about Java as a programming-language. But I can read
> > Java-code, most of the time it is very easy to read, and learned the
> > basics, I guess I will find my way.
> >
> >I also have need for some more/other technical details, like
> > database-schemas. I understood, it can take some time, before they will
> > be published.
> actually, we spent a few days on specifically the approach for database
> connection just before my curent visit to Australia. Some design work in
> this area will be published soon.

I am happy things are coming together now. I am not in a hurry,
I will wait for this information. Databaseschemas make things often much 
clearer for me, everything falls in its place then.

> >Can someone give me a hint about when that will be?
> >
> >And my last question, is there already some work done for a
> >dotnet-implementation (which allows more programming-languages and
> > therefore easier to handle for many people)?
> there is a dotnet kernel alreayd working in Australia. It is not yet
> released open-source, but Ocean Informatics is considering doing that in
> the very near future.

Does it perform well?
Does it run from Mono?

I do not want to start a dotnet <-> java war. Both have their advantages, but 
dotnet, for me, is more accessable

> - thomas
> >Thanks in advance for any help, hints and tips

Met vriendelijke groet
Bert Verhees
ROSA Software
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