----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Woodhouse" <gregory.woodho...@sbcglobal.net>
To: <hardhats-members at lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: 2006-04-10 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Software Archetypes - single vs double

> What I find most frustrating about discussion of archetypes is that it
> is so often vague and intuitive in nature, making it rather hard to
> decipher.
> --- Bill Walton <bill.walton at charter.net> wrote:
> > Software Archetypes - single vs double systemsHi Lorie,
> >
> > Archetypes provide a capability that's very familiar to programmers,
> > but take it to the next level.  At the most basic level, it's about
> > decoupling.  An RDBMS shields programs from the need to know about
> > the underlying structure of the data.  A program needs only know
> > about the db schema.  Views provide another level of abstraction,
> > shielding programs from changes in the schema.  Archetypes (which I
> > believe do not depend on an RDBMS implementation) provide a similar
> > capability, but take it to the domain level.
> By domain do you mean application domain? Or are you referring to
> domains in their technical sense in database theory (as a set of
> values)? At any rate, it is clear that you are trying to abstract away
> from a particular set of units, treating the quantity itself as a value
> (not how it might be represented).
> >
> > When working with an archetype-enabled system, programs / programmers
> > work directly with domain concepts like blood pressure or height or
> > weight.  The underlying data is stored / accessed through the
> > archetype.
> But what does this mean? It suggests that an archetype is realizable as
> a computational object (much as a schema may be realized as a set of
> relations, or a class instantiated to form an object). I suspect that
> this is the point at which an important concept is missing: The
> integers are a ring, but when I add two numbers, I'm not using the +
> operation of the category Ring, but rather of a specific member of that
> category, namely Z.
> > A trivial example of the benefits would be lbs. vs. kgs..
> >  In an archetype-enabled system, the program has no knowledge of the
> > unit-of-weight measure used to store the data.  Programs access the
> > data store with statements like (no representation made re: syntax)
> > store_weight(220, lbs) and patient_weight =
> > retrieve_weight(patient_id, kgs).
> Okay, here is some concrete syntax, but what are you really doing? Is
> kgs a flag or map (or something else altogether)? From a mathematical
> point of view, it's natural to think of it as a scaling transformation
> (a map). But that's  confusing, too, because it implies the existence
> of some reference instance out there (say kilograms) that is somehow
> privileged among other possible choices, and that your kgs flag is
> simply the scaling factor (isomorphism) you need to apply to get your
> chosen representation.
> >
> > You might want to take a look at
> > http://oceaninformatics.biz/archetypes/MindMap/ArchetypeMap.html for
> > a better, high-level understanding of the above.  This, and a good
> > deal of the related stuff, will be migrated shortly to the openEHR
> > site.
> >
> > Be happy to provide / get you more in-depth info if desired.
> >
> > hth,
> >
> ===
> Gregory Woodhouse  <gregory.woodhouse at sbcglobal.net>
> "It is foolish to answer a question that
> you do not understand."
> --G. Polya ("How to Solve It")
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