
(This mail goes to OpenHealth just to have it archived somewhere else.
There is nothing new in it; please ignore.)

Two days ago I had sent an email to the OpenEHR-technical list announcing
an article. The mail did not arrive. So I send it once more below:

== START ==
As promised some weeks ago, I have written an article trying
to describe some of the ideas behind CYBOP. It is called
"Reflexions on Knowledge Modelling" and can be found at:

It may not be of best quality, and was rejected by all evaluators
for the upcoming (March 2006) conference SE 2006 in Leipzig, Germany.
So you might not consider it worth being read.
Find the rejection notification including criticisms at the same link.

However, the good side of rejected articles is always
that I can publish them much faster on my own :-)
== END ==

So far my old email.
I would like to add that I have written the article in response to a
discussion in the OpenEHR-technical mailing list, around 2005-10-21.
Perhaps there is a technical problem with the list.
I do not hope that it is a filtered one.
Could somebody reading both lists notify me if my mail arrived?


  • Article Christian Heller

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