Here is the post I had sent to openhealth forum... Will need your support


Best regards,


Dr. Koray Atalag



From: Koray Atalag [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 1:28 PM
To: 'openhealth at'
Subject: FW: is UP!


Hi FOSS people,


Not always I do objections and create nebulizing clouds, but also do some
useful work ;)


So, in spite of the possibility/fear of ending up in a prison :-) I have
taken my individual liberty with good will to create the following project
at SF. And it was accepted lightning fast! 


The project is in fact in Planning Phase, but I would love to get your
comments before proceeding further...I hope to fill it with useful content
for FOSS projects, in about a month. And I also need developers to help me
to implement the simple Web interface; just cgi programming connected with
MySQL services provided from


Pls. refer to Project Website for aims and specific goals of the project...


May I also announce that all my projects (5 of them now) are opt in to
receive donations and 25% yes REPEAT 25% is going to FOSS Community... I
already earn my life by consulting in a very different domain: e-Government.
So my primary concern with healtcare projects is not monetary; but to gain
more knowledge/experience...And I do it for the future of my daughter -
Karya (and many others')


Best regards and happy using,


-koray (maddoc)


P.S. Yeah good friends call me with the nickname "maddoc"...And I like it!



From: Koray Atalag [] 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 9:26 PM
To: 'Sam Heard'; Thomas Beale
Subject: is UP!




I just wanted to announce that is now up and
working...Of course I need help to fill it up.


I got a long list of requirements and cool ideas...





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