Dear Rodrigo,

The Reference Model defines a generic model of any document.
And is mapped onto (into) the persistence layer.
Archetypes are constraints on the Reference Model but are formed  
using its own meta-model.

Your possibility number 1 is not correct.
Possibility 2 is correct.

Real data is 'validated' (better: defined) using the Archetype (the  
And the archetypes are validated (defined) using the archetype meta- 


--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

T: +31 252 544896
M: +31 653 108732

On 3-jul-2006, at 20:54, Rodrigo Filgueira wrote:

> I've been going round in circles about this question all weekend,  
> and have two ideas.
> 1. It's basic and most important use is to provide reference to  
> check the correctness of the arquetypes.
> 2. It is needed for some types of persistence design
> Why am I asking myself this? because once assertions are  
> implemented, all that may be needed for validating real data may be  
> included in archetypes, can't it?
> am I missing something?
> thank you

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