The OpenEHR documentation is pretty good, but here  are some other links:

Book: "Person-Centered Health Records: Toward HealthePeople", 
Demetriades, Kolodner, Christopherson (editors).  I have the book. 
Contains a collection of writings from various authors on the subject. 
Great read.  David Forslund, who posts to this list, co-authored chapter 
12 with Dipak Kalra.

Also check out

Those readings will give you the 50,000 foot view and some suggestions 
for system designs.  You might alo

Good luck!

Richard Schilling
Cognition Group, Inc
Seattle, WA

Randolph Neall wrote:
> We develop physician practice management software, so far without electronic
> medical records. I have been following with interest the discussion here. We
> need a more basic orientation.
> Does anyone know of a basic resource--a book or extended document--that
> would provide an overview of how practically to implement something like
> OpenEhr in terms of database design in a practice management system, and,
> for that matter explain the OpenEhr concept itself? Everything I've seen so
> far assumes too much prior knowledge.
> We operate in the United States. To what extent is OpenEhr in practical use
> in Europe? Hospitals only? Private practices?
> Randolph Neall
> Veriquant, LLC

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