Dear Dana,

Asking the question on the OpenEHR list is answering it.
In my view only CEN/tc251, openEHR and ISO any time soon have the  
Use OpenEHR and the CEN and ISO standard.

This means the CEN part one standard is modelling any document or  
fragment there off.
This means CEN part two defining ADL.
OpenEHR is an implementation plus of the CEN/ISO standard for the EHR.
And provides the Archetype Editor to produce archetypes that can  
represent clinical information Models.
Both part one and two enable plug-and-play semantic interoperability.

HL7 has nothing that is coming close to something usefull and  
The HL7 RIM has some known problems. The message Development Method  
has short comings that make it less than optimal for scalability.
Besides EN13606 will become an European standard and an International  
worldwide standard via ISO in addition.

Is there any real choice?


--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

T: +31 252 544896
M: +31 653 108732

On 15-okt-2006, at 19:13, Dana Prochazkova wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm writing my diploma thesis at the Vienna Medical University and  
> I have a question concerning the HL7 templates/archetypes. I'm  
> aware that this sites are related to the openEHR but maybe somebody  
> can answer the following question:
> Which model (RIM, R-MIM, ...) and which formalism (ADL, OCL,  
> OWL, ...) should be used for the description and creation of the  
> entry-level templates?
> Thanks for a brief answer!
> Best regards
> Dana Prochazkova

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