Dear Dana,

Why would you like to do that?
Theoretically it might be possible to map computationally constraints  
imposed on one model to others imposed on an other, where both ways  
express the same clinical model.
But I doubt that this can be done.
So far only humans can make the translation since only us humans have  
an "internal ontology", an internal knowledge of the clinical world,  
that makes this possible.
As far as I can see it, the CEN/tc251 EN13606 part 1 is a model of  
any document.
The HL7v3 RIM is a linguistic model of any possible statement of fact.
Both are not the same.
For instance the HL7v3 Mood attribute in the HL7v3 RIM will map onto  
a specific type of Archetype.
Types of Archetypes are based on a model of clinical treatment:  
Observation, Evaluation, Instruction and Action.
And types of Archetypes are not attributes of the Reference Model,  
they are different beasts.
In addition the RIM has all kinds of attributes CEN does not need.  
The combinatorial possibilities of all the structural attributes go  
into the billions. This amount of nuance exceeds the possibilities of  
computation and comprehension.
HL7v3 RIM has not defined and used the major RIM classes in a  
rigourous way, as was shown during a discussion on a HL7 list with  
the subject: "Why is a document an Act".
What is your reason/driver to try the impossible?

What might be possible in a way, is to transform from CEN to HL7 and  
back again when a R-MIM is used that is an agreed mapping of the CEN/ 
tc251 EN13606 part 1 Reference Model using the RIM. Part 5 of the CEN  
EN13606 standard will contain such an R-MIM, is the expectation.
Why is such an undertaking of mapping between EN13606 and HL7v3  

Only CEN/tc251 EN13606 makes plug-and-play semantic interoperability  
Only EN13606 will enable that conformant systems can be searched  
using the same query and expose any information stored in that system  
in an uniform interpretable way enabling better easier clinical  
decision support.



--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

T: +31 252 544896
M: +31 653 108732

On 15-okt-2006, at 22:30, Dana Prochazkova wrote:

> Dear Gerard,
> thanks for your answer. In my work I try to map openEHR and CEN  
> archetypes to the HL7 model. For this purpose I need the  
> information about how to do that.
> Dana

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