and others,

For your information.
Slowly I'm preparing an European project for the 7th Framework  
program around the topic: the EHR.
Clinical decision support and a common open source EHR-engine is part  
of it.
Eurorec (the European Institute for the Health Record) might become  
the main developer and submitter.

Lets generate a set of research questions that we can write into the  
project proposal.


--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

T: +31 252 544896
M: +31 653 108732

On 23-okt-2006, at 0:02, Sam Heard wrote:

> Hello Ian
> The interaction between openEHR and decision support has been a  
> major design requirement from the mid-1990s. We have used Prodigy  
> as the basis for decisions as it was the most comprehensive at the  
> time.
> I am interested in the VirtualEHR offered by the openEHR kernel  
> being able to plug-in the decision support modules that the  
> clinician wants to use. You will understand that the kernel is able  
> to query and write to the EHR, and will throw events when  
> archetypes are loaded (the clinician is about to record something)  
> and when they are populated IN MEMORY.
> This is an extraordinary opportunity for standardisation of  
> decision support in applications. I would be interested in working  
> with others on this approach.
> The first decision would be to decide how the plug-in might work -  
> within Ocean we use .Net and there are provider patterns that make  
> this relatively straightforward. The open source group are looking  
> at Eclipse for the Java code and I think that this design  
> requirement is the best reason to have the Kernel written in Eclipse.
> Cheers, Sam
> Ian McNicoll wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I noticed with interest that one of the older Service Model  
>> documents (2003)
>> mentions an interface between the Prodigy DSS and the OpenEHR  
>> architecture.
>> The section was blank.
>> Is there any other pertinent information as I am about to start an  
>> MSc
>> dissertation looking at exactly this piece of work?
>> Dr Ian McNicoll
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>> openEHR-technical mailing list
>> openEHR-technical at
> -- 
> Dr. Sam Heard
> CEO and Clinical Director
> Ocean Informatics Pty. Ltd.
> Adjunct Professor, Health Informatics, Central Queensland University
> Senior Visiting Research Fellow, CHIME, University College London
> Chair, Standards Australia, EHR Working Group (IT14-9-2)
> Ph: +61 (0)4 1783 8808
> Fx: +61 (0)8 8948 0215
> _______________________________________________
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical at

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