Dear colleagues,

Below an e-mail from the HL7 list.

The problem is clear.
Performing a query to several systems provides a lot of repetitive  
One query for all the medication about one patient provides for each  
prescription all the relevant data and all its contexts.
So a lot of repetition data about the patient, the medication,  
pharmacy details, etc, etc.
In the realm of HL7 messages this creates a lot overhead.

How are things like these handled in OpenEHR space?
Is there a query spec that makes the distinction between what info is  
asked and how it should be presented in what specific  format?


--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, MD
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

T:  +31 252544896
M: +31 620347088
E:      gfrer at

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little  
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov  

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Rene Spronk (Ringholm)" <rene.spronk at>
> Date: 24 februari 2007 12:56:34 GMT+01:00
> To: Tom de Jong <tom at>
> Cc: mnm at, inm at, 'Michael Tan'  
> <tan at>
> Subject: Re: discussion item: carrying repeating information from  
> query responses in the control act wrapper
> Reply-To: "Rene Spronk (Ringholm)" <rene.spronk at>
> Tom,
> Good question - similar to ones raised by the NHS.
> Assuming no changes to the current query response mechanism:
> a. one could create a query response model that only contains the  
> patient Id, or even omits it entirely [because the context is known  
> to both querying as well as responding system], this would remove  
> any duplication.
> b. it has to be said though, that the simple fact that all  
> responses contain the same national patient ID doesn't mean that  
> all other demographics data as known in the various systems is the  
> same. As such generating a "joint" of that data (and convey it  
> outside of the payload: in a controlAct or even in an attachment)  
> will be problematic.
> > Each of these ?items? is messaged using a
> > separate <subject> element in the query response.
> That's strictly take not necessary - one could have multiple  
> relationships within a single payload, a payload that has only one  
> Patient class.
> Note that the Dutch use-case includes the use of an orchestration  
> server which groups query-responses from various applications. This  
> is new territory for HL7 so it doesn't describe nor contain any  
> expected behaviour of such a server.
> The above doesn't really answer any of your questions, it just  
> describes options.. so please comment if you have other ideas..
> -Rene
> Tom de Jong wrote:
>> Dear all,
>>  I?d like to raise an issue for open discussion that comes up time  
>> and again when dealing with queries, especially when these queries  
>> have the potential for a large number of ?hits? in the query  
>> response. I?ll illustrate with an example:
>>  I query a central drug information database that contains data  
>> about medication dispenses performed at different pharmacies. My  
>> query parameter is a national patient identifier. The response  
>> message contains a full history of all dispenses for this patient,  
>> which is a list of hundreds of items. Each of these ?items? is  
>> messaged using a separate <subject> element in the query response.  
>> The message model for this payload contains an R_Patient CMET, so  
>> that full patient information can be associated with each  
>> dispense. But since my query parameter was a patient identifier,  
>> the patient information will in fact be identical in each of the  
>> hundreds of <subject> elements in the query response. This results  
>> in considerable overhead in the response message.
>>  Of course one could argue that *only the patient identifier*  
>> should suffice to confirm the fact that the dispense records match  
>> with the query parameter, but if the message model allows for the  
>> possibility of including full patient information, any query  
>> filler system can choose to send it anyway. Another option that  
>> has been suggested in implementations is to have *full patient  
>> information in the first dispense record* (i.e. the first repeat  
>> of the <subject> in the query response), but only a patient ID in  
>> all the others. This can also not be disallowed, but is clearly a  
>> quirky solution to a very practical issue.
>>  A more fundamental solution would be to move all the patient  
>> information up one level and message this as part of the control  
>> act wrapper (so outside of the repeating <subject> elements).  
>> Since there?s essentially nothing special about the patient  
>> information, this method could also apply to other situations  
>> where an *association with the focal class repeats identically in  
>> all records of a query response*. The key ingredient from a  
>> semantics viewpoint of course is that there would need to be  
>> *context conduction* through the control act wrapper into the  
>> payload(s) of the query response.
>>  I?m voicing this on behalf of many local implementers, knowing  
>> that it will be controversial from a modelling perspective. Any  
>> responses are welcomed.
>>  Best wishes,
>> Tom de Jong
>> HL7 Netherlands
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Rene Spronk                         Phone: +31(0)655 363 446
> Senior Consultant                     Fax: +31(0)30 695 6915
> Ringholm GmbH                                The Netherlands
>       mailto:Rene.Spronk at
> Ringholm is a German GmbH - registered in Essen as HRB 14743
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Ringholm GmbH Integration Consulting - Making Standards Work
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