Colin Sutton wrote:
> The query tool needs to manage this, as it should manage the language.  I 
> suggest the user (or user environment) should be able to select whether to 
> look at local terminology or that of another country (the default may be 
> where the patient's record was created, and the patient was travelling at the 
> time or subsequently emigrated). 
the main thing that needs to be known is if snomed-ct-AUS is a proper 
superset of snomed-ct-INT (or however these variants will be 
designated); i.e. that there are no incompatibilities between the two.
> On storing a new event, the term accessed at the time should be stored in the 
> record, not (just) the SNOMED code or URL, because the terminology may be 
> updated on the server, and a future access should show the info known at the 
> time of entry.
well, snomed is designed never to change the meaning of a code, so 
having the code should be safe. But in openEHR we always store the code, 
the rubric (in the local language) and the full id of the terminology 
(including version if relevant).

- thomas beale

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