Tom and Tim,

I am not sure what this messages says or recommends what we need to do.  I
particularly don't understand the comment  "The point is though, that the
true "killer app" in health care must be based on a REAL health care data
model."  I think much of the clinical world is confused about the number of
types of models and models now being presented.  What kinds of models do we
need and how should they be used?  We have the RIM, activity models, data
models, DAMs, use cases, story books, BRIDG, and others.  Sorting this
might be an excellent project for AMIA CIS WG.

Part of the problem also is sorting through the activities of various SDOs.
None of the SDOs seem to offer an overwhelming solution to all the problems
for a number of reasons, including scope.

Ed Hammond

             Tim Cook                                                      
             <tw_cook at comcast.                                             
             net>                                                       To 
             Sent by:                  Tom Lincoln                         
             openehr-technical         <tlincoln at>, AMIA CIS   
             -bounces at openehr.         WG <cis-wg at>       
             org                                                        cc 
                                       For openEHR technical discussions   
                                       <openehr-technical at>     
             03/20/2007 05:45                                      Subject 
             PM                        Re: [cis-wg] Complexity, killer     
                                       apps and other conundrums of        
                                       health information      was: cis-wg 
             Please respond to         Digest, Vol 37, Issue 12 (Juliana   
             tw_cook at comcast.n         Brixey)                             
                et; Please                                                 
                respond to                                                 
                For openEHR                                                
              l at>                                               

On Tue, 2007-03-20 at 14:27 -0700, Tom Lincoln wrote:
> Thanks for your reply... The situation is certainly more complex as
> the HL7 Clinical Document Architecture XML framework clearly
> demonstrates... Just picked the first and simplest examples at hand.
> Tom

[apologies for cross posting but I doubt it'll offend too many]

Hi Tom (and all),

This is certainly true.

The CDA and the more constrained CCD demonstrate very effectively the
difficulty in transferring health care information along with it's
semantic context.

This is of course the reason for the development of two level modeling
and the maturation of over two decades work into the openEHR Reference
Model and Archetypes as data descriptors.  See:

I hope to (very soon now) introduce a query language based on openEHR
archetypes that will also allow for a certain amount of "possibility and
fuzzy" matching.  This will allow the use of object database storage and
retrieval based on a true data model.  This will avoid the tragic
mismatch and data fragmentation of object - relational mapping and the
horror of SQL masquerading as a true relational model.

The point is though, that the true "killer app" in health care must be
based on a REAL health care data model.

Timothy Cook, MSc
Health Informatics Consulting

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