Ime Asangansi wrote:
> Hi Adams et al,
> Nice to hear that.
> But I think the tough issue is converting the archetypes xml to xforms.
> Please how do you do that?
> especially converting the definition section...
> Just to add this: we are shifting from Infopath... It has never been a 
> nice thing to be locked into that.
> Thats why, Adam, it would be interesting to see you guys put this OSS 
> too. You said (some time ago) that you were waiting for the OHT. 
> Please how is that going now?

I have the XForms Engine up on the OHT site but they're waiting to "go 
public" (I have no real idea what the delay is but....)...hopefully 
anonymous access is an "any day now" event.

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I have been devoting some time to OpenEHR etc recently

A) Our Publishing mechanism is basically done & now includes subversion 
functionality including committing to a branch vs committing to the 
trunk etc (e.g. if you want to create a given release).
It is Apache Ant + XSLT with a couple of mini ant tasks in java (one to 
CDATA a String & the other to split a string). Again I hope to get this 
up to the OHT site at some point (again ASAP as IMHO many eyes shallow 
bugs etc).

B) WRT the subject & (A) of the fun things the publishing 
mechanism does is to create reports in XML form for a repository 
including a "validfiles.xml" which list all errors & which artefacts 
link to which (e.g. template<>template via GUID, template<>archetype via 
name/compound name & archetype<> archetype via regex/compound name + 
regex etc).

This drill down is what is a bit of a pain at the moment were one to 
wish to open a template & then see a generated XForm GUI...but using the 
validfiles.xml it's pretty simple.

C) Wrt moving existing forms etc into Archetypes/templates etc what I've 
been playing with is OpenOffice as it's forms designer is XForms based & 
allows one to create a model/instance based form in a WYSIWYG way with 
all the niceties XForms offers wrt data analysis/mapping  e.g. types 
from both std XSD & your own schemas/simple types (e.g. restricting a 
length or applying a pattern). You can then map that model to the 
relevant templates/archetypes while allowing the users to be sure that 
you've captured all the fields that their current form captures. In a 
very neat move you can even exports that form as an Adobe pdf form.

D) What has raised itself as I've been playing with concepts to do with 
this is that you should be able to create a form at the lowest possible 
level & then accrete them into a whole i.e. a template/archetype should 
have it's own xform which is locatable e.g. archFileName_xform.xhtml 
which then includes...etc. i.e. if I open a template xform & the xform 
contains other templates/archetypes etc it would be nice to simply load 
them via linking (e.g. xlink or similar) rather than some sort of 
involved drill down & render approach.

i.e. for a given archetype/template, the XForm is just for that 
archetype/tamplate & then includes the relevant form for the relevant 
child archetype/template etc.

an example is that you might have an "A&E admissions form" with a 
select1 tick box & a set of choices e.g. "has: head wound chest wound 
leg wound" & if you click head wound you would want to see the head 
wound form.


It is possible that the operational template as per:

"- the XML templates should probably become .xts (ts = template

specification), because there will also be an operational template file, 
which is a template with all substitutions done, with an extension like 
.xot (ot = operational template) or .xtom (tom = template object model). 
The current 'templates' are template 'specifications', i.e. a set of 
differences with respect to archetypes. The 'operational' form is what 
can be used to create message definitions from, and can be used at runtime."

might cover this off but it the drill down part is interesting.


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