On Mon, 2009-11-30 at 14:40 +0000, Thomas Beale wrote:

Hmmmmm, okay.......

BIG Picture here  (do we have everyone's attention) not just the US and
Western Europe?

The reality is that Europe nor North America is the center of the world.
Certainly population wise.  While as a native US Citizen and a retired
US Marine.  I believe that I have served my country and the democratic
free world well. Certainly; every single day with the weight upon my
heart that I was doing the RIGHT THING.

Some may not agree with that and I respect their opinions. But without
regard to religion and only humanitarian results.  I STAND BY MY

I spoke recently with Sam 
Heard and I am not sure where they 
(there was a closed door meeting) want to take the openEHR Foundation.

It **IS** clear to me that they are confused about

**THEY** need to communicate with the community.   Not this one on one
crap meeting stuff.  

I'm frankly quite tired of it after almost 10 years.

I hope that you all can engage them and give them a CLUE!


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