Hi David,

We need to differentiate the AOM from ADL, just because the AOM makes
cardinality optional doesn?t mean that ADL does not require a cardinality
keyword.  Remember that ADL is just a serialisation of the AOM just as the
AOM can be serialised using XML.


On a related topic, I think that the attributes of cardinality may need to
be optional for the same reasons as occurrences and existence.  Therefore
for the reasons that David states below, I wonder if it is reasonable to
make cardinality mandatory and its attributes optional instead.






From: openehr-technical-boun...@openehr.org
[mailto:openehr-technical-bounces at openehr.org] On Behalf Of David Moner
Sent: Friday, 3 July 2009 4:40 PM
To: For openEHR technical discussions
Subject: Re: optional existence, cardinality and occurrences.


I agree with the initial idea about the optionality of existence,
occurrences and cardinality; there is no need to state them if they are not
changed from the reference model.

But one problem arises with the cardinality. As far as I know, the only way
to differenciate a C_Single_Attribute and a C_Multiple_Attribute while
parsing the ADL and generating the AOM instance is through the 'existence'
of the cardinality constraint. If we don't have that keyword it is imposible
to choose the correct attribute object.

At the Jira issue we can read "with reference model checking...", but making
the ADL parsers dependent of the RM is absolutely not a good idea in my

2009/6/30 Thomas Beale <thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com>

Dear all,

as part of the specialisation semantics, which are nearly all
implemented in the ADL workbench, we have made existence, cardinality
and occurrences all optional. This is sensible for 'source' form
archetypes - i.e. it is natural that only overridden constraints be
stated in an archetype, if there is no override of either the reference
model or a specialisation parent archetype, where the latter is
relevant, then no constraint is needed.

The change is described in http://www.openehr.org/issues/browse/SPEC-303

We have not yet released a new version of the ADL workbench with this
change, but will soon. What I would like to know is if the implementers
of other archetype parsers, compilers etc can deal with this change.
Note that it would normally be part of implementing the wider ADL 1.5
semantics, since it is logically part of the specialisation semantics.

has anyone else considered implementing these semantics yet?


- thomas beale

openEHR-technical mailing list
openEHR-technical at openehr.org

David Moner Cano
Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
Valencia ? 46022 (Espa?a)

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