> - we need some way to define/specify what is the canonical form of a
> URI/URN, we must agree in a terminology of names (of terminologies :D) and
> subsets.
> ? - Snomed is the same as SNOMED? or ICD10 is the same as ICD 10 or CIE 10
> (CIE = ICD in spanish)?
> - we cannot rely of one tool implementation to take a decision that is not
> in the specs: other tools can make different decision, so, generated
> archetype will be inconsistent.

Yes - agree totally. I think the spec at various points says that the UMLS
terminology identifier name should be used, but I don't think this is
clarity enough - UMLS
is a bit haphazard with how they name things.

Would like to see an agreed upon list of canonical URI/URN for the
terminology bindings that people are using in practice with real
current terminology sources so that we can get some harmonization.


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