My suggestion is for the this point
"Begin an open source software project for tools, web-based if
possible, to author archetypes, templates and terminology reference
sets directly interacting with the Clinical Knowledge Manager and
equivalent repository and review tools"

I agree with the first part (create web-based open source tools), but
I think that the second part should be clarified. We should define a
basic API to access repositories, to avoid doing ad-hoc
implementations for each one of the possible repositories

2011/9/5 Erik Sundvall <erik.sundvall at>:
> Hi!
> Kudos for moving forward!
> Plans seem to take some promising directions even though that whitepaper
> at...
> ...still needs some serious editing in order to better strengthen trust in
> openEHRs future.
> 1. First a procedural question:
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 03:00, Sam Heard (forwarded via Thomas Beale) wrote:
>> I am writing on behalf of the new Transitional Board of openEHR to share
>> our
>> plans to take openEHR to a new level of operations...
> Was that whitepaper formally ratified by the new board, or by the old board,
> or is it's current state just a suggestion by Sam? I know for sure that some
> people in the acknowledgements...
>> Acknowledgements: Thank you to David Ingram, Dipak Kalra, Thomas Beale,
>> Martin van der Meer and Tony Shannon for assisting in the planning.
> ...would likely object to part of it's current content.
> 2. A second procedural question:
> What is the mandate period of the transitional board? When will the
> suggested new structure with an elected board start? That date seems to be
> missing in the mail and in the document, but having an end date is very
> likely important for building trust in any kind of stated interim governance
> system (ask the people in the middle east and northern Africa...).
> 3. A document content change suggestion:
> Remove the CC-BY-SA part in the licencing discussion (page 5) since it makes
> the document authors and anybody ratifying it look incompetent. Saying that
> original things are CC-BY and that derivative models should be CC-BY-SA is
> just plain stupid. Then the originals are NOT CC-BY. It's just as silly as
> saying that a piece of open source code is licenced under Apache II licence
> but that any derivative code must be licenced under GPL...
> The thoughts behind the third point in the "Principles of licencing" are
> understandable, but as stated over and over again, e.g. at...
> ...the SA part of CC-BY-SA won't help against copyright and patent abuse.
> Only fighting possible upcoming bad patents in particular and bad patent
> laws in general might save the openEHR community form patent abuse.
> A more practical way is to enforce good licencing (e.g. CC-BY) upon import
> of archetypes and archetyped data in real systems and tools. That will at
> the same time protect against anybody sneaking in badly licenced stuff that
> is not derived from openEHR original archetypes (something that a?CC-BY-SA
> scheme never will be able to protect against.)
> There are many other interesting things to discuss and clarify in the white
> paper, but let's start here :-)
> Again, thanks for working towards a more understandable openEHR foundation.
> Best regards,
> Erik Sundvall
> erik.sundvall at Tel: +46-13-286733
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