How can anyone say that HL7 is open in any fashion?  You are not free
to distribute it outside of your organization except in small parts so
that the specifications cannot reproduced.

See the paragraph immediately preceding the one previously quoted here:


    reproduce and distribute Material on an internal basis solely for
use within their organization;
    reproduce and distribute excerpts of Material (not entire domains
or chapters) to any customers of a product or service implementing
those Material, provided that the HL7 Access database may not be
included, either in whole or in part, in any product intended for
direct or indirect commercial resale;
    use excerpts of Material to create customized implementation guides; and
    use Material in the development of software applications and
messaging systems for direct use or distribution without additional
licensing fees."

There is NOTHING open about this, fee paid or not.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 17:55, Thomas Beale
<thomas.beale at> wrote:
> On 20/02/2012 22:34, William Goossen wrote:
> Hi Heath, Thomas,
> My experience is that HL7 v3 is an open standard and OpenEHR is proprietary
> (as owned by the OpenEHR foundation holding the copyrights, albeit I
> understand that work is underway to sort that out).
> Correction: HL7 is open, although requires a small fee for use; openEHR is
> an open and free specification. Neither are proprietary; proprietary
> essentially means 'not openly published and usable'. That does not apply to
> either HL7 or openEHR.
> - thomas
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Timothy Cook, MSc
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