Hi Pablo,


You need to understand that some of the RM classes are functional object
rather than data objects and hence are not currently considered
serializable, VERSION_OBJECT, EHR and perhaps CONTRIBUTION are examples of
these. There is no specific statement about this in the specifications, and
it can be reconsidered and clarified as we better understand this, but you
can recognise classes in this category when they use object references
rather than containment. VERSIONED_OBJECT has a counter-part of
X_VERSIONED_OBJECT defined in the EHR EXTRACT specification which is
serializable and has an existing schema located at
http://www.openehr.org/releases/1.0.2/its/XML-schema/Extract.xsd (linked
from http://www.openehr.org/releases/1.0.2/its/XML-schema/index.html).   


Looking specifically at Contribution, it only has a uid and a list of object
references so it isn't very useful unless you have a use case that wants to
list all the contributions for a particular EHR or similar. There may be the
need for an X_CONTRIBUTION class in future.


I _think_ I understand this part, but at the implementation level (and using
REST services as plan to do) means some things should be serialized. 

[HKF: ] I agree there is a need to serialize the contribution, but we need
to understand the true requirements. Do we need a new X_CONTRIBUTION class
that contains VERSION objects or is the existing CONTRIBUTION class with
object references sufficient for use in the context I suggested in the other
email. Collaborative specification and implementation experience will help
answer this.

I know there are a lot of ways of serializing things like Versions contained
in a Contribution, e.g. I can send different params in the HTTPRequest body,
each one being one Version XML (this emulated the Ocean's CommitContribution

[HKF: ] Not sure what you mean here


or I can send only one XML on the body for the whole Contribution, this
second way is what I try to do).

[HKF: ] You indicated otherwise in your previous email



The kind of thing you are trying to do is more related to the service model
than the Reference Model and as you know there is only vendor specific
specifications in this area. From Thomas' service overview you see there are
two layers a EHR Service and a Virtual EHR Service. Not sure it is quite
understand what distinguishes the two of these but there is some indication
that the Virtual EHR provides aggregation of lower layer services including
the EHR and Demographic services while also providing helper functionality
such as contribution building and query result management. Another key
differentiator is granularity of service calls, the Virtual EHR has fine
grained, more frequent calls while the EHR service has course grained, less
frequent calls.


This little project is about a simple EHR Service to commit and retrieve
Compositions in XML format (the granularity level here is the Composition).

I understand a lot of this has to do with the service, but behind that
interface I have to build a persistence layer, so understanding the model is
also important (and I'm not an expert on the change_control package, so this
is a great learning experience for me too).


As I mentioned, I don't want (and I can't) build a complete version
controlled EHR server, this is just a little system so my students can play
around with my EHRGen tool (I use it to generate different EMR systems),
committing/retrieveing compositions to/from a shared EHR server.

[HKF: ] Which is why it makes sense to align with an existing implementation
so that you could look at replacing it with a more enterprise scale
implementation in the future.


The problem that I have identified in my implementations over the years is
that the use of the openEHR RM classes of AUDIT_DETAILS and VERSION are not
very useful in the commit contribution operation, especially if there is
some work being done on the service side, whether it is at the Virtual EHR
service or EHR Service layer. Attributes such as system_id and
time_committed are obvious candidates to be set by the service not by the
client but the RM state that these are mandatory and my most recent work
provides a service operation message that excludes these from the commit
contribution message type but instead has the other RM attributes necessary
(e.g. change_type and description) for the service itself to build the valid
RM objects to be persisted. This CONTRIBUTION_VERSION class is a potential
candidate to be added to the Extract or Service models to support
contribution operations.


I found the same problem: the change_control objects are distributed
objects, so at one moment in time some parts of an object may be on the
server, some other parts on the client and other parts not yet created. This
is very unclear on the specs since it lacks time based diagrams to show what
objects are created at what time and when. This could be a good improvement
to the specs, what do you think?

[HKF: ] I think we can look at this as we develop a service model
specification and an online reference implementation will demonstrate this
in practice.


I feel it is truly a high priority for us to start aligning the various
implementation APIs ASAP before we get too many more candidates, at least a
minimum core set of operations. I think we have enough experience to get
this started, I think the process is close to being finalised so now we just
need contributors.


Let me know if I can help and how. I'm always open to collaboration :D

[HKF: ] As I said in the last response, I think you little project is a good
opportunity to collaborate and test an openEHR service model candidate



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