hi Tom

you kind of need to set the ground rules for this. It's not really
practical to use schematron to do detailed terminology validation.
Must serious attempts end up creating some kind of web service terminology
server that can be invoked from the schematron rules.

Once you've done that, you've got a relief valve for things that are too
difficult to express in xpath - because xpath is really good for some
things, and really not so good for others.

But also, once you've done that, you're not really using schematron


On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Thomas Beale <
thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com> wrote:

> On 23/04/2013 10:37, Bert Verhees wrote:
>> > have ADL, AOM, and object transforms
>> What is missing is that xml offers validation and query out of the box,
>> which means it has been developed and optimized for years by many companies
>> and communities, and mostly is good quality software.
> ok but we just agreed that XSD doesn't do the kind of validation that is
> needed by archetypes, so I think what you are really proposing is XML based
> on Relax NG as a sufficiently powerful approach that would a) implement the
> required constraint semantics of archetypes and b) create data that can be
> queried by Xpath/Xquery out of the box?
> Is that your suggestion?
> If so, my reaction would be: let's investigate as a community. I don't
> think anyone has sufficiently investigated Relax NG or Schematron for
> openEHR purposes, and in hindsight we probably should have. It would be
> very interesting indeed to see how much better it would work than XSD.
> I think if you make any progress in your work on these questions, let's
> turn them into specs / guidelines / whatever for general use in openEHR.
> - thomas
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