pablo pazos <pazospablo at> wrote:

> 1. When I add and remove EVENTs from an OBSERVATION, and then go to the 
> Terminology tab, I can see all the nodeIDs generated for the EVENTs I've 
> created but already removed from the archetype definition. Screen capture 
> shows the items that should not be seen.

Archetype Editor doesn?t clean up unused ontology codes until you save the 
archetype. I think if you save it, you?ll see that they are gone. Please raise 
a problem report if they are still there after you save.

I?ve always thought that this was by design, so that any text or description 
from a node that you had just deleted would still be available for you to copy 
to another node, if you wanted to do that. But I?m not sure ? it?s always been 
like that. Is the current behaviour good, or would it be better if the deleted 
codes were removed immediately?

> 2. Adding a language and trying to toggle using the main men? or CTRL+L 
> doesn't work. If I change the language manually: Language > Change Language > 
> ES, then CTRL+L and Language > Toggle Language start to work.

Yes that is a bug. The problem is only on the Terminology tab, and only with 
the Ctrl+L shortcut, right? Could you log the problem at please?

Thanks, Pablo. Good luck with the workshops.

- Peter

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