Hi and seasons greetings!

I find the openEHR board nomination process a bit confusing and pretty
different to what I am used to in other community settings.

When joining as an openEHR individual member you first have to wait until
your application has been approved, this might be logical in some ways, but
it means you will need to remember to get back to the member site some days
later and then do your nominations (a nomination dropout risk).

Also you can not even view nominations without logging in. After logging in
I did not find any list of members possible to nominate, but after
navigating around a while I found these four nominations:
- Bosca Tomas, Diego
- McNicoll, Ian
- Bakke, Silje Ljosland
- Kobayashi, Shinji

I guess these nice persons were nominated by individual members, I did not
find any information regarding if industry members have nominated any

I did not find any information regarding if any of the current board
members are considered already nominated or not (I guess not, since Ian is
on the current board and has been nominated separately).

The strangest thing, unless I misunderstood the submission form:
The form is rigged primarily to nominate yourself, and it is optional
to "Include
name in list of event registrants" - does that mean that there may be
people secretly nominated? Very strange at least from a Swedish
community/NGO/volunteer-org perspective.

I would like to nominate Thomas Beale for example, can I do that? By
replacing my own name that is pre-filled in the form I guess it is possible
to nominate someone else but it is far from obvious from form-texts
regarding "your nomination" etc.

In the community settings I am used to, the nominations are open so that
any member can nominate any member, then the nominated persons are asked if
they would accept a nomination or not, then there is a vote among the
remaining nominated persons.

I would suggest some changes
- Listing all current nominations (including from both industry and
individual members) without login requirement
- Allowing at least logged in members to see who else is a member (so that
we know who can be nominated and can encourage people to become members if
they are not listed)
- Making it possible to nominate other people than yourself
- Clarifying if anybody not on the visible nomination list is considered to
be nominated
- Send out nomination reminders regularly (perhaps including a list of the
then nominated persons)

Best regards,
Erik Sundvall

Ph.D. Medical Informatics. Information Architect. Tel: +46-72-524 54 55 (or
010-1036252 in Sweden)
Li?: erik.sundvall at regionostergotland.se (lio.se changing name 1 Jan 2015)
LiU: erik.sundvall at liu.se http://www.imt.liu.se/~erisu/

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 12:58 AM, <sam.heard at openehrfoundation.org> wrote:

>  Happy Xmas everybody,
> Thank you to the new members and Industry Partners that have joined up so
> far. We have three nominations for the Management Board at this stage. Two
> of the companies have asked for an extension for the joining date to allow
> transition to the new Calendar year.
> The Board considered their request at the last Board meeting and agreed.
> Consequently the closure date for nominations has been extended to the 31
> Jan 2015.
> Please join up by going to http://members.openehr.org We need a broad
> and representative group to vote for the Management Board. Your involvement
> is crucial. The funds also help us with the provision of some of the
> fundamentals (web site, CKM etc).
> Have a great break over Xmas but make sure you contribute to the MedInfo
> workshops by the middle of January. Keep an eye on the lists for details.
> Looking forward to working with you all in 2015!
> Cheers, Sam
> Dr Sam Heard
> Chairman, openEHR Foundation
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