Dear Pablo,

This function originated from the need to support countersignature. There are a 
number of clinical documents that need to be signed by more than one person, 
such as a consent form, the report of an operation, or the authorisation to 
detain a person in a mental healthcare institution. When evolving to a more 
electronic solution for capturing consent, and other situations where a legal 
record of care decisions or actions might need more than one signature, we felt 
we should provide for the possibility that a composition might need to be 
attested by more than one person.

With best wishes,

Dipak Kalra
Clinical Professor of Health Informatics
Centre for Health Informatics and Multiprofessional Education
University College London

President, The EuroRec Institute
Honorary Consultant, The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust, London

On 14 Nov 2014, at 21:14, Thomas Beale <thomas.beale at<mailto:thomas.beale at>> wrote:

Hi Pablo,

yep, it's correct as it is - the model satisfies the use case where there can 
be more than on attestation. It was designed to deal with things like (from 
memory) a junior doc attesting, and later a more senior doc. These were 
clinical expert's requirements at the time, and someone like Dipak Kalra or Sam 
Heard would remember the exact situations it was designed for.

On the second one, could you please post a problem 
 so we don't forget it.


- thomas

On 14/11/2014 19:09, pablo pazos wrote:
I'm reviewing the versioning aspects of the IM for a new course I'm giving, and 
I'm not understanding why we need more than one attestation per 

A composition shouldn't be signed by just one person?

Also, I found a bug:
6.2.5. Contributions (in common_im page 41)
attestation of item: a new ATTESTATION is added to the attestations list of an 
existing ORIGINAL_VERSION; the ATTESTATION.commit_audit.change_type is set to 
the code for ?attestation?.

Should be VERSION.commit_audit_change_type.

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