NB! This is a new e-mail on the same subject since I didn't see any mail on the 
mailing list. Just to check if it is working

We are currently developing a module for Careplan based on openEHR Archetypes. 
We are using INSTRUCTION/ACTIVITY/ACTION archetypes to model the clinical 

One issue we are facing is the need to define which transitions that are 
allowed for a given Careflow Step.

To explain I will use openEHR-EHR-ACTION.medication.v1 as example. This ACTION 
archetype have Review medication as an possible ISM_TRANSITION. This is an 
transition that ends in ACTIVE state.
What we want to express is that this careflow step is only allowed for an 
active step (openehr::543). This means that is it not allowed to do this 
careflow step as a start transition (openehr::540).

A proposed ADL definition for this is given below:

ISM_TRANSITION[at0005] matches {     -- Review medication
                            current_state matches {
                                           DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
                                                         defining_code matches 
                            transition matches{
                                           DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
                                                         defining_code matches 
{[openehr::543] } - only allow transition 543 (active)
                            careflow_step matches {
                                           DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
                                                         defining_code matches 
{[local::at0005]}                            -- Review medication

To expand this example we want to allow only two transitions, i.e. "active 
step" (openehr::543) and "resume" (openehr::546).

A proposed ADL definition for this is  given below:

ISM_TRANSITION[at0005] matches {     -- Review medication
                            current_state matches {
                                           DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
                                                         defining_code matches 
                            transition matches{
                                           DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
                                                         defining_code matches 
{[openehr::543],[openehr::546] }
                            careflow_step matches {
                                           DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
                                                         defining_code matches 
{[local::at0005]}                            -- Review medication

And then the questions:

1.       Is the first example allowed?
(defining the allowed transition)

2.       Is the second example allowed?
(defining two allowed transitions)

Vennlig hilsen
Bj?rn N?ss

Mobil +47 93 43 29 10<tel:+47%2093%2043%2029%2010>

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