I was reviewing the latest specs and, compared with 1.0.2 where ACTIVITY.timing 
usage is not so clear, I think we still need to improve that specific point.
1. timing description is too focused on medication
"Many Instructions will have only one Activity, usually describing a medication 
to be administered and its timing..."
A treatment or procedure instruction can also be repeated, like do 
physiotherapy 3 times a week, ultrasound application daily for 10 repetitions, 
etc. (you can notice I sprained an ankle not so long ago).

2. specific codes / syntax to be used
I think for the sake of completeness we need to include this in the specs. I 
reviewed the time specification from the data_types spec v1.0.2 and I'm not 
sure we are defining the syntax we need for ACTIVITY.timing.
On HL7 specs I've seen a lot of commonly used codes that I don't know if those 
are defined in any standard or if those are just common medical vocabulary, I 
mean: ac, pc, bid, tid, qid, qhs, q4h, q8h, q12h, prn, ....
Maybe we can include those as part of the specs

3. the timing field description references HL7 GTS and ISO 8601
>From HL7 v3 specs, the XML form is clear enough and it has a XSD that defines 
>the GTS, but the literal expression (the string code) is not so obvious (AFAIK 
>the rules to create it are not formally defined). What I'm not sure of is if 
>we can use the XML form (*might* complicate XSD validation or the literal 
>form). From v3:
  Table 46: Examples for Literal Expressions for Generic Timing 
SpecificationsLiteral ExpressionMeaningM09 D15 H16 N30 S34.12September 15 at 
4:30:34.12 PM as the intersection of multiple periodic intervals of times 
(calendar patterns)M0915163034.12September 15 at 4:30:34.12 PM as one simple 
periodic interval of time (calendar pattern)M01; M03; M07January, March, and 
July (a union of three periodic intervals of time)M04..09 M/2Every second month 
from April to September (April, June, August)J1; J2; J4Monday, Tuesday, 
ThursdayW/2 J2every other Tuesday (intersection of every other week and every 
Tuesday)1999 WY15the 15th calendar week in 1999 (period code is optional for 
the highest calendar unit)WM2 J6Saturday of the 2nd week of the monthM05 WM2 
J6Saturday of the 2nd week of MayM05 DM08..14 J7Mother's day (second Sunday in 
May.)J1..5 H0800..1600Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 4 PMJ1..4 H0800..1600;
J5 H0800..1200Monday to Thursday 8 AM to 4 PM and Friday 8 AM to 12 noon.[10 d] 
H/8Three times a day over 10 days (each time a 60 minutes interval).H0800..1600 
\J3Every day from 8 AM to 4 PM, except Wednesday.(M0825..31 J1)..M0831The last 
calendar week of August.JHNUSMEM..JHNUSLBRThe season from the U.S. holidays 
Memorial Day to Labor Day
And about ISO, I think we are talking about the "repeating intervals" form 
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Repeating_intervals). If that is 
corrent, we should say that on the spec (the referenc to ISO 8601 is vague). On 
the other hand, the ISO specification is not publicly available, so we are 
referencing a closed spec from an open spec. That's why I think we should 
define the syntax in our specs to avoid referencing closed specs.
Kind regards,
Eng. Pablo Pazos GutiƩrrez
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