Hi Silje,

The PARTICIPATION class <http://www.openehr.org/releases/RM/latest/docs/common/common.html#_overview_3> has a codable attribute 'function' for this purpose (calling it 'function' rather than 'role' came from 13606). It may be that you want to state a 'role' as well, i.e. to say that a certain /kind of person/ is required, and then use function to state the actual function that person is supposed to do in the particular activity in question.

I would have expected 'function' to be sufficient for your example - just use 2 x other_participations on the OBSERVATION.

An example of needing both could be something like:

 * role = nurse
 * function = foley catheterisation

Currently 'role' is only known in the demographic model, i.e. on the other side of the PARTY_PROXY.external_ref link. It may make sense to add a role attribute to PARTICIPATION at some point if we need to distinguish the type of person (qualification) from what they do in the activity.

- thomas

On 23/11/2016 06:29, Bakke, Silje Ljosland wrote:


We’re wondering if it’s possible to specify what the role was of each instance of Participation in an OBSERVATION archetype? For instance in a histopathology result the macroscopic description will often be performed by a different person from the microscopic description. We’re thinking both will be listed using participation, but we need to be able to document which person did what.

Kind regards,
*Silje Ljosland Bakke*


Information Architect, RN

Coordinator, National Editorial Board for Archetypes
National ICT Norway

Tel. +47 40203298

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